Can I, an ordinary girl, really be called to do extraordinary things?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What if failure is just postponement until greater success?

Today should have been a special day for me. I SHOULD have taken a pledge and gotten pinned with 50 of the best people ive ever met. But that didnt happen. A couple of years ago I chose to take failure out of my vocabulary. Thinking that if I never thought of it, it wouldnt exist. Its ugly face would just go away. Its one of those things as you get older, you realize is unavoidable. Its one of those terrible thoughts that keeps nagging at you time and time again. It leaves you asking, what if? What do I do if I FAIL? But what if failure really doesn't exist. No im not crazy. They say there is a time and place for everything. Maybe "they're" right. I believe "failure" is a precursor to a success greater than we could have imagined. I fully believe when December comes I will celebrate with a group of new friends. Just another way God has answered a prayer. My prayer to expand as a person and make more friends that I can depend on. I will pass the NCLEX with a score unlike any other and become a fantastic nurse because God has told me the time is not now. I will share a love with a man that surpasses all fairytales because ive felt the pain of not being good enough for someone. And come December, I will rejoice with a group of new nurses with a knowledge deeper than what a book can teach me. All after dedicating myself to yet another semester of minimal sleep, reading until my head throbs, and waking up at 5 am. A sweet victory, after seeing pictures and hearing the joy of my sweet friends who became graduate nurses tonight. Ive felt that "failure" but have taken a step towards becoming EXACTLY what God has called me to be.


  1. I am glad we've become friends through this long road in school Whitney. I love you to the moon and back. So glad to hear that you are going to keep going and encouraged that you are keeping your head up and leaning on and trusting in God's perfect plan for your life.

  2. I miss you already! I am so grateful that you have chosen to "cling" to your faith above anything else... It will be worth.. I don't understand why this happened but Don't Lose heart.. I promise.. all things are working together for your good... hard to remember that all things aren't good. :) I can't wait to see you excel in the fall... far beyond what we ever did. Maybe you can even share your story with some of your new classmates and tell them what Christ has done for you.. and then it will have all been worth it right? LOve ya!!!!!!!
